Our Services
Our Services

Home Health Services
At the direction of your doctor, home health services are provided for short term medical care to those living in Dallas and Tarrant counties. Services may include but are not limited to skilled nursing care; physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy; medical social services; and home health aides to assist with the patient’s personal care and activities of daily living.

Long-term Care Services
Our long-term care services, which includes Star Plus/Star Kids, serve those with long-term disabilities. Services vary for each person, based on the amount and type of support each person requires. It is available for adults and children whose health problems cause them to be functionally limited in performing activities of daily living.
Available in both the CDS and PAS options.
Learn more about the CDS and PAS options here.

Intellectual Developmental Disabilities Services (IDDS)
Helping Restore Ability also provides community support services to individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities (IDDS) or autism living in their own homes through contracts with the local Mental Health Mental Retardation (MHMR) centers in Fort Worth and Dallas. Screening, eligibility and referrals are determined by the local MHMR center.
Available in the PAS option.
Learn more about the PAS option here.

Attendant Care for Working Individuals
TWC/HHSC – Helping Restore Ability provides supports to help people with disabilities live and work independently in their communities through the provision of personal attendant care. Referrals are received through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) or the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
Available in the PAS option.
Learn more about CDS and PAS options here.

Veterans Home Care
Provides home care for veterans who have served 90 days of active duty, and at least one day during a war period. Veterans can receive up to 73 hours of support per month, surviving spouses can receive up to 47 hours per month. Must be 60% homebound, and age 65 or over (unless they qualify for SSDI).
Available in both the CDS and PAS options.
Learn more about the CDS and PAS options here.

Private Pay Family Support
Helping Restore Ability offers in home care for those who do not qualify for governmental assistance through our Calla service line. Families are offered support with activities of daily living, with services customized to meet each person’s unique needs.
From personal care services to hospice care support and many care needs in between, we offer a broad range of services that can be tailored to meet your family’s unique needs and preferences. Our goal is to provide exactly what you need when you need it so that you can “Live Your Best Life Where You Are”! We can help you to remain in your home, independent and active in the community, as long as possible.

Care Navigation Center
Helping Restore Ability connects families with an expert in services available to support people diagnosed with an illness or disabling condition, providing an action plan that will link them to both public and private resources needed to assist in remaining independent, and achieving their full potential. The service plan is customized based upon the families’ unique needs, and addresses both short and long-term care needs.

Insurances We Accept
For Home Health, we accept Amerigroup, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cook Children’s, Children’s Medical, and Superior.
For PAS services, we accept Aetna, Amerigroup, BCBS, Children’s Medical Center, Cigna, Community First Health Plan, Cook Children’s Health Plan, Driscoll Health Plan, Molina, Superior, Texas Children’s Health Plan, TMHP, and United Healthcare.
Schedule a Care Consultation Meeting
If you or a loved one is diagnosed with an illness or disabling condition, we would love to connect you with one of our experts in the resources available to you and help create an action plan that will empower a life of independence. Please leave us your information and we’ll contact you.